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Directory SimpleListing Details
ID: | 36398 | |
Title: | Hostal Vista Park, Santa Clara Cuba. | |
URL: | http://hostalvistapark-cuba.com/index.php/en | |
Category: | Vacation and Travel: Accommodations | |
Description: | Right in the park Vidal de Santa Clara, Hostal Vista Park, Santa Clara Cuba, Hostal Vista Park: the most central colonial hostel in Santa Clara, Cuba, next to La Bodeguita del Medio. The house has a wonderful eclectic architecture and colonial floors, with a floor to ceiling height of 6 meters, is similar to a small palace composed of six rooms of 30 square meters and a unique view compared to any other hostel in the city. It is the only colonial hostel in the whole city, right in the Vidal Park of Santa Clara, where visitors from all places, hotels, hostels and guest houses come to this place given the beauty and history of the adjoining buildings of our lodging house. | |
Meta Keywords: | Hostel, Santa Clara, Cuba, Bed and Breakfast, Hostal, Vista Park, Rentar, Acomodation | |
Meta Description: | Right in the park Vidal de Santa Clara, Hostal Vista Park, Santa Clara Cuba, Hostal Vista Park: the most central colonial hostel in Santa Clara, Cuba, next to La Bodeguita del Medio. | |
Link Owner: | Miguel Bárbaro Pupo Cardoso | |
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